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Blackblot Product Management Maturity Evaluator

Blackblot would like to help you gauge the level of maturity of the product management practice at your company. Please review the statements below and check the appropriate button to indicate how the statement applies to your company.



Blackblot Product Management Maturity Evaluator

At your company, are product management roles and responsibilities profoundly clear, understood and consistent among all departments?

At your company, is there awareness to the contribution product management has to a product's chances at marketplace success?

At your company, is a practical and consistent product management methodology (discipline, terminology, work processes, roles, and occupational responsibilities) being employed to plan and market products?

At your company, is there efficient and professional internal cooperation between product management and the other corporate departments?

At your company, is a prescribed product planning methodology being used to identify and articulate high-quality, usable market requirements?

At your company, is a prescribed product marketing methodology being used to plan outbound activities aimed at generating product awareness, differentiation and demand?

At your company, are product planning and product marketing activities properly sequenced for greater internal efficiency and maximum marketplace effect?

At your company, is the product management department the most dominant department in shaping the company's product strategy?

At your company, are long-term decisions being made routinely and not only when serious problems are encountered?

At your company, is there a realization to focus more on customer and market needs and less on technology?


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