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Blackblot Marketing Model

Marketing is an instructive business domain that serves to inform and educate target markets about the value and competitive advantage of a company and its products. The goal of marketing is to build and maintain a preference for a company and its products within the target markets.

Volumes have been written about the marketing domain and what it entails, but little has been noted about how it is ordered and organized. In order to clarify the essence of the marketing domain, Blackblot introduces the Blackblot Marketing Model. This model maps the marketing activities within the marketing domain, presents the division and location of departments identified with marketing in the corporate organizational hierarchy, and describes the types of strategies and plans related to the marketing domain.

For more information, please read the "Concept of Marketing" chapter in the Blackblot PMTK Book.

Blackblot Marketing Model – Marketing Domain Elements (Tabular Form) [Graphic]
Marketing Disciplines Marketing Methods Marketing Modes Marketing Techniques
Product Marketing Value Emphasis Messaging Model Market research, value and positioning messages, messaging plan…
Feature Emphasis Feature Comparison Competitor analysis, product comparison…
Price Emphasis Cost-Plus, Going-Rate Skimming, penetration, diversification, discrimination…
Product Branding Uniqueness, Labeling Loyalty programs, community relations, alliances, symbols, ideas…
Corporate Marketing Corporate Branding Personification Loyalty programs, community relations, alliances, symbols, ideas…
Analyst Relations Engagements, Resources Knowledge databases, briefing sessions, demos, visits…
Marketing Communications Advertising Entertainment, Information Copyrighting, budgeting, creative, Internet, print, radio, TV…
Graphic Arts Signals, Imagery, Perception Presentations, sales tools, stationery, colors, logos, packaging…
Public Relations Relationship, Media Coverage Press Releases, events, lobbying…
* Additional elements can be added to this component of the "Blackblot Marketing Model"; however, the current mapping is relatively whole and effectively encompasses the essence of the marketing domain.

Blackblot Marketing Model – Corporate Organizational Structure (Tabular Form) [Graphic]
Product Management Marketing Operations Engineering Business Management
"Product Marketing" "Corporate Marketing" Business Development Development Accounting
Product Planning "Marketing Communications" Distribution Quality Assurance Administration
Program Management User Experience Executive Management
Release Management Human Resources
Sales Information Technology
Support Legal Services
* Framed in quotes are the three marketing domain disciplines.

Blackblot Marketing Model – Marketing Domain Strategies (Summary Table)
Strategy Coordinated set of long-term decisions that help achieve corporate objectives.
Market Strategy Decisions that define target markets, set marketing objectives, and outline how to build a corporate competitive advantage.
Marketing Strategy Decisions that determine how to achieve marketing's goal in a particular target market, through the selection and application of marketing mixes.
Product Strategy Decisions that build and enhance products to fit market needs, and outline how to build a product competitive advantage. (Product strategy belongs to the product management business domain).

Blackblot Marketing Model – Marketing Domain Plans (Summary Table)
Market Plan Description of the long-term goals and messages delivered to the target market relative to a particular company or product.
Marketing Plan Description of the selection and application of marketing mixes in the target market.
Marketing Program Description of the short-term marketplace effort designed to obtain a specific marketing goal.

Blackblot Marketing Model – Marketing Domain Plan/Strategy/Department Mapping (Summary Table)
Plan Type Market Plan Marketing Plan
Strategy Type "Market Strategy" and elements of the "Product Strategy" "Marketing Strategy"
Corporate Department 1. Product Marketing (relative to the product)
2. Corporate Marketing (relative to the company)
Marketing Communications