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Blackblot Product Manager's Toolkit® (PMTK) Methodology

The Blackblot Product Manager's Toolkit® (PMTK) is a comprehensive set of models and professional templates which constitute a complete product management methodology that illustrates notable best practices and processes to help create successful market-driven products.

Used by over 6,000 product managers and product marketers worldwide in multi-national enterprises to small startup companies, Blackblot Product Manager's Toolkit® (PMTK) is the ultimate tool for product management professionals. Every registered PMTK user is entitled to free and unlimited updates and upgrades via a lifetime subscription.

Why should product managers and product marketing managers purchase and use PMTK?

  • Free and unlimited updates and upgrades via a lifetime subscription.
  • Proven successful and used daily by thousands of product managers worldwide.
  • PMTK provides the tools product managers need to effectively perform their job.
  • PMTK templates are consistent in their structure, making them easy to learn and use.
  • PMTK templates are highly productive as they allow product managers to focus on content (what to write) and not on the method (how to write).

PMTK Ver. 6.5 (Lifetime Subscription) - US$89.00
Blackblot Product Manager's Toolkit® - Buy Now

All Strategic Product Manager™ course training graduates worldwide receive a free single user license to a copy of Blackblot Product Manager's Toolkit®. The PMTK Commercial Package templates are in editable Microsoft Word document format. The PMTK Evaluation templates are in non-editable PDF file format.

Blackblot Product Manager's Toolkit® (PMTK) Version 6.5 - Evaluation Templates


  • Blackblot Product Manager's Toolkit® (PMTK) Version 6.5 is a comprehensive, customizable, and feature-packed professional template collection for product managers and product marketers. Every registered PMTK user is entitled to free and unlimited updates and upgrades via a lifetime subscription. Blackblot Product Manager's Toolkit® (PMTK) is the ultimate tool for product management professionals.

PMTK Preface

  • PMTK License – Blackblot PMTK single-user license agreement.
  • PMTK Overview – Overview and description of Blackblot Product Manager's Toolkit® (PMTK).
  • PMTK Distribution Guidelines – PMTK templates and PMTK output document distribution rules and rights.

PMTK Methodology

PMTK Product Planning

  • Requirements Management
    • PRM Market Requirements – Description of the market opportunity, market problem, and the resulting market requirements.
    • PRM Product Requirements – High-level description of the functional solution, intended use, and the product features it provides that address the market problem and satisfy needs.
    • PMTK Market Requirements – Description of the product and the market into which the product will be introduced. An inclusive approach in which business information and market and product requirements are all bundled together in the same document.
  • Use Cases – Ways various users put the product to use and under which scenarios.
  • Features Matrix – Managing actual product capabilities.
  • Product Roadmap – Plan or vision that describes a product's evolution.
  • Pricing Model
  • Win/Loss Analysis
    • Win/Loss Analysis Questionnaire – Information gathering tool in a process whose output helps improve products and develop better sales functions.
    • Win/Loss Analysis Report – Summary results reporting tool in a process whose output helps improve products and develop better sales functions.
  • Customer Visit – Planning customer visits with the intent of better understanding their needs.
  • Agile Software Development
    • PMTK Agile Guidelines – Parameters of an interface between the Blackblot PMTK Methodology™ and contemporary Agile Software Development principles.
    • PMTK Scrum Product Backlog – Requirements management and work prioritization tool for Agile Scrum conforming to the Blackblot PMTK Methodology™.

PMTK Product Marketing

  • Business Case
  • Competitor Analysis – Analysis of competing companies, partially via their products.
  • Product Comparison – Tabular comparison of competing products.
  • Corporate Mission – General business direction and company purpose.
  • Product Positioning – Basis for clear and focused marketing messages that communicate the product's value proposition to multiple audiences.
  • Value Documents
  • Market Plan – Description of the long-term goals and messages delivered to the target market relative to a particular product.
  • Marketing Communications
  • Sales Support
  • Marketing Review – Comprehensive inspection of the market and the company's preparedness.

PMTK Process Efficiency

  • Meeting Rules – Rules and general guidelines for conducting productive corporate meetings.
  • Management By Objectives – Intelligent form of self-management.
  • Decision Making – Driving an effective process of decision-making within a project.
  • Deliverable Sign-Off – Tool for securing acceptance and commitment to deliverables.
  • Generic Templates
  • Bundle Book
    • Bundle Book – Central repository of documents related to a particular product.
    • Bundle Book Folder – Folder structure for organizing product documents and deliverables.
  • Gap Analysis – Procedure for assessing how well product management tasks are performed.
  • Performance Review

PMTK Legal Documents

PMTK Personnel Management

  • PMTK Career Development
    • Skills-based Curriculum Vitae – Individual's abilities, achievements, and key contributions to highlight their potential value to employers.
    • Traditional Curriculum Vitae – Individual's work experience, education, and qualifications chronologically to outline their career progression and potential.
    • Professional Development Plan – Process for developing or increasing the professional competencies of product management professionals.
  • PMTK Team Management

Blackblot Supplemental Templates

  • Product Vision – Product's long-term goal and impact on the target audience.
  • Minimum Viable Product – Product with enough features to satisfy early users and customers and to generate feedback for future product development.
  • Corporate Strategy Mix – Formulation and synchronization of three core interconnected strategies (business, market, and product).
  • Product-Market Fit – Potential for a successful product by ensuring a meaningful solution and a receptive market.
  • B2B Buyer Persona – Key decision-maker in a business purchase, profiled by goals, challenges, behaviors, and properties.

Blackblot PMTK Book

  • "The Product Manager's Toolkit: Methodologies, Processes and Tasks in Technology Product Management" second edition book is the most authoritative guide to market-driven product management and the Blackblot Product Manager's Toolkit® (PMTK) product management methodology, a globally adopted best practice. Springer Science+Business Media, ISBN: 978-3-319-49997-0.


Blackblot MVP Book

  • "Market-Value Pricing: Definitions, Concepts, and Processes for Market-Value Centric Pricing" book provides readers with the knowledge and tools to partake in pricing activities in a novel, clear, and structured manner. The Blackblot Market-Value Pricing™ Model (MVP Model), introduced in this book, helps companies and individuals with their product pricing efforts. Springer Science+Business Media, ISBN: 978-3-030-10733-8.


Blackblot DDDM Book

  • "Data-driven Decision-making for Product Managers: A Primer to Data Literacy in Product Management" book is an essential guide for product managers seeking to harness the power of data to drive their decisions. This book emphasizes the importance of developing and maintaining data literacy as a core skill for product managers. Springer Science+Business Media, ISBN: 978-3-031-74663-5.


Powered by Blackblot™ Knowledge Base

  • Powered by Blackblot™ Knowledge Base – Dynamic repository of product management core knowledge based on the Blackblot PMTK Methodology™ and is part of Blackblot's commitment to providing free lifetime professional and career support to all product managers. Browse the different categories, search for specific topics, or send any question regarding any topic in product management.


Blackblot Content Retention Tool™

  • Blackblot Content Retention Tool™ – Promotes post-training content retention and helps product managers and product marketers deepen their knowledge. The Blackblot CRTs challenge individuals with a series of multiple-choice questions that are based on Blackblot PMTK book chapters.


Blackblot Training Program

  • Blackblot Strategic Product Management™ – Advanced professional training program based on the Blackblot PMTK Methodology™.
    • Blackblot specializes in Customized Private Training for corporate product teams worldwide.
    • Two levels of course customization are available: Basic and Advanced. Basic-level customization is free, while advanced-level customization is fee-based and applies to extended corporate training programs.
  • Blackblot Training Package™ – All Blackblot training attendees receive at no extra charge:
    • Digital copy of "The Product Manager's Toolkit: Methodologies: Processes and Tasks in Technology Product Management" second edition book.
    • Account to the Blackblot Product Manager's Toolkit® (PMTK) professional template collection.
    • Account to the Blackblot Product Management Professional™ (BPMP) certification tests.
    • Account to the Blackblot Psychometric Test™ (BPT) psychometric tests.
    • Lifetime free and unlimited updates and upgrades to PMTK.
    • Digital course slides booklet and seminar action plan.
    • Digital copy of the official course certificate of completion.
    • All course materials are provided in the English language.

Blackblot Product Management Professional™ (BPMP) Certification Program

  • Blackblot Certification Program – Blackblot Product Management Professional™ (BPMP) certification program is based on the Blackblot PMTK Methodology™ and was developed exclusively by Blackblot to provide product management professionals with a way to differentiate themselves, validate their skills, and gain professional acknowledgment, and enable companies to achieve better consistency in the internal application of the product management discipline.
  • Master BPMP – Respected and merited accreditation of a Master Blackblot Product Management Professional™ (Master BPMP), a top career and professional differentiator, is awarded to individuals who successfully pass all core and advanced Blackblot Product Management Professional™ (BPMP) certification program tests (three tests).
  • Blackblot Certified Product Coach™ – Top accreditation of a Blackblot Certified Product Coach™ is awarded to individuals who successfully pass all core, advanced, and subspecialty Blackblot Product Management Professional™ (BPMP) certification tests (six tests).
  • Blackblot Product Management Professional™ (BPMP) Study Guide – Updated and simplified study guide for all available BPMP tests.


Blackblot Psychometric Test™ (BPT) Program

  • Blackblot Psychometric Test™ – Collection of six specialized personality tests that allow practitioners, team leaders, job candidates, human resource managers, and recruiters to assess whether a certain individual's skill set profile is suitable for a specific role in product management, as defined by Blackblot and according to the Blackblot PMTK Methodology™.


Blackblot Professional Evaluators

Blackblot provides practitioners, product leaders, job candidates, human resource managers, and recruiters with diverse professional evaluators, based on the Blackblot PMTK Methodology™.


PMTK Action Model









Product Planning









Planning Definition Development Maintenance
Describe market problems and needs Define solutions to market problems Build solutions that solve market problems Sales channels support and product revisions
PRM-MRD, PRM-PRD, PMTK-MRD Features Matrix Pricing Model, Pricing Model Spreadsheet Win/Loss Analysis Questionnaire, Win/Loss Analysis Report
Use Cases Product Roadmap Product Evangelism Customer Visit

Product Marketing

Evaluation Strategy Readiness Execution
Examine opportunities to serve the market Formulate the market approach Prepare market tactics and MarCom activities Deliver value and build competitive advantage
Business Case Corporate Mission Company Profile Company Presentation
Competitor Analysis Product Positioning Product Backgrounder Product Presentation
Product Comparison Sales Axioms, PSFB, USP Collateral Matrix Lead Generation
  Market Plan Launch Plan Marketing Review








Process Efficiency







People Decisions Deliverables Learning
Instill flow and structure at work Bring closure and secure commitment Present and share work output Assess and measure performance
Meeting Rules Decision Making Generic Templates (DOTX, THMX) Gap Analysis
Management By Objectives Deliverable Sign-Off Bundle Book, Bundle Book Folder Performance Review, Performance Review Matrix


Copyright © Blackblot. All rights reserved.
Use of these documents is subject to the Blackblot PMTK Single-User License Agreement.